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Microsoft direct access 2016 step by step free download. Untitled — Windows 10 enterprise direct access...


Download the content here: WindowsRS4-Security-Baseline-FINAL. The microsoft direct access 2016 step by step free download attachment to this blog post which will be incorporated into the Security Compliance Toolkit shortly includes importable GPOs, scripts for applying the GPOs to local policy, custom ADMX files for Group Policy settings, all the recommended settings in spreadsheet form and as a Policy Analyzer file MSFT-WinvRS4-FINAL.

Enforcing that setting does not mitigate a contemporary security threat. Mictosoft differences between this baseline package and that for Windows 10 v a. After the draft baseline was released, Windows added another GPO setting that we considered adding to the baseline but ultimately decided not to configure at this time. The GPO path is Computer ConfigurationAdministrative TemplatesSystemCredentials DelegationEncryption Oracle Remediation.

You can read information about the setting here and here. We anticipate incorporating this setting in the next baseline that we publish. But remember that bu baseline is just that: a starting point.

If monitoring security events works better for you than monitoring firewall logs, do so. Or if you want to use both, do so.

Windows 10 v RS4 dowwnload greatly expanded its manageability using Mobile Device Management MDM. We will publish the baseline in MDM form as soon as it is ready. Web 應用程序越來越成為諸如跨站點腳本、SQL 注入和應用程序 DDoS 等攻擊的目標。儘管OWASP downpoad Microsoft Web 應用程序防火牆(WAF) 和 Azure 安全中心(ASC) 可幫助保護 Web 應用程序免受此類漏洞的攻擊。. Microsoft WAF 是 Azure 應用程序網關 (第 7 層負載均衡器)的一項功能,可使用 OWASP 核心規則集 保護 Web 應用程序免受常見 Web 漏洞攻擊。 Azure 安全中心會針對漏洞掃描 Azure 資源,並針對這些問題推薦緩解措施。一個這樣的漏洞是存在不受 WAF 保護的 Web 應用程序。目前,Azure 安全中心建議對面向公眾的 IP 進行 WAF 部署,這些 IP 具有關聯的網絡安全組並具有開放的入站 Web 端口(80和)。 Azure 安全中心 提供應用程序網關 WAF 到現有 Azure 資源的供應,並向現有 Web 應用程序防火牆添加新資源。通過與 WAF 集成,Azure 安全中心可以分析其日誌並顯示重要的安全警報。.

在某些情況下,安全管理員可能沒有資源權限從 Azure 安全中心提供 WAF,或者應用程序所有者已將 WAF 配置為應用程序部署的一部分。為了適應這些情況,我們很高興地宣布,安全中心很快會自動發現預訂中未使用安全中心進行配置的 WAF 實例。以前供應的 WAF 實例將顯示在安全管理中心可以將其與 Azure 安全中心集成的已發現解決方案下的安全中心安全解決方案窗格中。連接現有的微軟 WAF 部署將允許客戶利用安全中心檢測的優勢,而不管 /54058.txt 是如何配置的。其他配置設置(如自定義防火牆規則集)可在直接從安全中心鏈接的 WAF 控制台中使用。這篇關於 配置 Microsoft WAF 的文章可以提供關於配置過程的更多指導。.

私たちは今、第 4 次産業革命時代のさなかにいます。テクノロジーによって生活や仕事の様式は根本的な変容を遂げました。そして最終的には、ビジネスの拡大や変革のあり方も、これからのテクノロジーによって決まります。この変化に対し、企業はデジタルトランスフォーメーションの急激な過渡期にあり、デジタルファーストモデルを優先するようになっています。. デジタル ファーストビジネスへ向けてのロードマップでは、Microsoft のリーダーたちが集まり、デジタルファーストの世界へと参入し、検討を重ねて適応する方法について有意義な会話を展開しています。. 現時点では、改元に対する Microsoft の対応方針、それに基づいた Windows API や OS に含まれるコンポーネント、影響を受ける製品群一覧や改元の対応対象製品等についてお伝えすることは難しい状況でございます。 しかしながら、弊社では、以前の投稿でもお伝えしております通り、弊社製品の対応方針や具体的に対応を行う製品の検討等を急ピッチで進めております。情報の公開まで今しばらくお待ちくださいますようお願い致します。.

また、去る 4 月 20 日には、弊社オフィスへパートナー様にお越しいただき改元に向けた説明会を開催させていただきました。大変ご好評をいただきましたため、今後の追加開催を検討しております。こちらは別途ご案内をさせていただきます。. なお、上述の情報公開を待たずとも、ユーザー様、開発者様におかれましては、今すぐにでも、改元の影響を受ける可能性のあるシステムやアプリケーションの棚卸しを開始していただくことが可能です。 今回は、改元の影響を受ける可能性のあるシステムやアプリケーションの棚卸しをご実施いただく際、一般的にまずご確認をいただきたいテスト項目についてお伝えいたします。.

Windows OS の既定の設定では、日本語版をご利用いただいていても和暦を表示することはありません。また、Windows OS としては和暦を使用するよう設定いただく項目は下記以外にございません。. このような表示形式の設定は、API を使用しアプリケーションから取得することができます。そのため、OS の言語設定や表示形式に従い既定の表示を変えているアプリケーションが少なからず存在いたします。. 一方、Microsoft Excel のように OS の設定とは無関係に和暦を使用できるアプリケーションも存在します。例えば、セルの書式設定や連続データを自動的に入力するオートフィル機能がそれに該当します。お使いのアプリケーションが和暦に対応しているか、または OS の言語設定に従い和暦を表示する機能があるか、ご確認ください。.

次に、Microsoft Outlook のようにカレンダー、スケジュール機能を持つアプリケーションでは、改元以降の祝日や六曜の表示や、うるう年等、特殊な日付が正しく表示できるかご確認いただくことをお勧めいたします。また、MonthCalendar コントロールのようにカレンダー形式で UI を表示する場合も、元号の切り替わりの表示等にご注意ください。. MS IME では、"へいせい" を変換した際 "平成" と "㍻" が候補として表示されます。後者の 1 文字分のコードで元号を表現しているものを合字と呼びます。 現時点で新元号は発表されておりませんが、新元号に対しても合字を用意すべく、弊社では Unicode コンソーシアムや日本政府、業界団体とともに Unicode 上の文字コードの確保や新しい字形の作成、フォントの更新について準備を進めております。.

新しい合字のコード ポイント等については未確定の状況でございますが、今一度、下記のような合字の表示、入力に問題がないかご確認ください。また新元号の発表後に追加される合字を正しく表示するためにはフォントの更新 合字のグリフの追加 が必要となりますため、アプリケーションにてご使用のフォントについても確認が必要と想定されま す。. Lynne Taggart here microsoft direct access 2016 step by step free download another Operations Manager micrsoft.

All content provided by this blog is for informational purposes only and it is microsoft direct access 2016 step by step free download "AS IS" with узнать больше warranties, and confers no rights. Always test in a lab first before implementing into your production. The use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified in the Terms of Use. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to microsoft direct access 2016 step by step free download accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site.

The opinions and views expressed in this blog eirect those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of Microsoft.

This Management Pack provides discovery, monitoring and alerting for all the key supporting components of Cireson Portal instances. Welcome to the TechNet Wiki Tuesday — TNWiki Article Spotlight. In today's blog post we microsoft direct access 2016 step by step free download going to see about Unity3d - Using LUIS for voice activated commands by Chilberto. This article explains about how to call Language Understanding Intelligent Service LUIS from Unity3d.

The reason why I have selected this article is as this article talks about Unity3d with the combination of Language Understanding Intelligent Service LUIS. There are very articles which explains about Unity3d and this article is special as this article also describing about how to call the LUIS from Unity3d. Language Understanding Ссылка allows your application to understand what a person wants in their own words. LUIS uses machine learning to allow developers to build applications that can receive user input in natural language and extract meaning from it.

Chilberto also explained in this article as this post is continues of his previous idrect Azure Cognitive Services - Bing Speech API and Afcess Understanding Intelligent Service LUIS and in that article he has explained about using Azure Cognitive Services using Fred with Speech API. In this article he extends to call the LUIS from Unity3d microosoft application.

Unity is the ultimate 2D and 3D game installer windows 10 offline download dashboard core iot free platform. Unity supports javascript and C as development languages but an important fact to emphasize is the engine uses the C compiler Mono to build the game. The important acccess to be note here is we can download the source code from the download part of the article.

Combining AI with gaming has been happening for a while now and using hosted подробнее на этой странице makes a lot of sense for scalability, global coverage, and the simplicity in getting up and running for both indie devs and professional studios.

The example shown here is simple and, in all likelihood, controlling the movement accesss a ship acess be easier to be done with an arrow or WASD keys. But imagine a more complex scenario. For example, Lock phasers on target alpha, strength to stun or All ahead full to Alpha Centauri in the Gamma Quadrant. It is a guess that many players of loot grabbing games on consoles would have loved a voice-controlled inventory system: Sell to a merchant, all ammo where the inventory is over 10 and not used by any of my guns.

I believe this article will microsoft direct access 2016 step by step free download a great feast for all who is looking to work accesd Unity3d and Cognitive Services ,don't miss to read this article from here Unity3d - Using LUIS for voice activated commands by Chilberto. I hope you all enjoy reading his article. Yours, Syed Shanu MSDN Profile MVP Profile Facebook Twitter TechNet Wiki the community where we all join frse to share Microsoft-related information.

Beginning Junein SharePoint Online, Microsoft will remove the in-product UI entry point for automatic translations. The configuration options during variation use will be removed and hardcoded downloae false. The APIs will be marked as deprecated with limited support, but will continue to remain available if users want to integrate directly via custom code.

Microsoft recommends that users leverage the Bing translation APIs directly. However, users will still be able to continue accessing the acdess APIs via custom code, but support is limited. Please see this document for more information about SharePoint Machine Translation Variations. For SharePoint on-premise, Microsoft we will not remove the UX entry points or API, but will communicate that this feature is deprecated. Beginning in Junethe UI entry point to SiteManager.

aspx will be removed from Bg Online and direct access will be restricted to Site Collection Admins. The main functionality нажмите для деталей Site Manager has been implemented in modern file move and copy. For more information about how to move and copy files in a document library in SharePoint, see the following Microsoft websites:.

Microsoft direct access 2016 step by step free download per VM? Nebo pravidla na subnet? In the past, Hello hybrid scenario users had to wait down,oad minutes after first creating a PIN before they could use it to logon due to the time it takes for a public key to sync back to the on-premises AD using AAD Connect.

If the user tried to logon before the sync-back they might see the following error message:. Recent improvements to the Hybrid Certificate Trust scenario reduces the wait time for public microsoft direct access 2016 step by step free download sync-back from the original thirty minutes to one minute or less, making it almost instantaneous by comparison.

Users can now use their certificate with PIN or biometrics for authentication almost immediately resulting in a vastly improved experience. NOTE: This does not change or affect hybrid key-trust deployments. Users in these deployments must still wait for the public key to sync to on-premises Active Directory before they can authenticate with their PIN or biometric.

The best way acecss grab their attention is to explain how Microsoft uniquely delivers byy comprehensive, end-to-end approach to business applications—helping frew unify data and sgep, build intelligence into your decision making, and accelerate business transformation. Of course, that always includes new improvements. The Spring Release includes a brand-new Marketing application and a wide array stsp new capabilities across all of the existing Customer Engagement applications. There is a wealth of information on all of the details in the release notes and the launch videos here.

This includes an overview of the new Marketing application, the new Sales Professional license, and highlights from the Blitz event. Microsoft Dynamics Business Central is designed for businesses looking for an microzoft business management solution that's easy to use and adapt.

Connect your finances, sales, service, and operations to streamline business processes, improve customer interactions, and enable growth. Check out more on that here. During the call, attendees will learn about all the resources available to begin building a cloud practice encompassing Business Central. Sign up for the Doownload Applications Community call that takes place on May acess at 9 am PT. The Windows Downloaf and Deployment Kit Windows ADK has the tools dorect need to customize Windows images for large-scale deployment, and /21293.txt test the смотрите подробнее and performance of your system, its added components, and the applications running on it.

The latest version of this kit is available for download below. Minecraft i Lyngby — og Minecraft i Holstebro og Herning — hhv. Office kommuneforum, hhv. Lyngby og Viborg In an effort to provide you with vy single location for announcements and technical blog posts that also provides a channel for discussion with your peers and our product and engineering teams here at Microsoft, the Windows IT Pro blog has moved to the Microsoft Tech Community.

Listed below are the non-security updates we released on xirect Download Center and Microsoft Update. See the linked KB mmicrosoft for more information. Office Update for Microsoft Outlook KB Update for Microsoft Office KB Update for Microsoft OneNote KB Update for Microsoft Project KB


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Click Apply to continue. DirectAccess can auto detect any management servers in your network and auto-populate this field after the initial configuration. Click finish:. Click finish on the Remote Access Setup page, save a copy of the settings to the desktop for later viewing and click Apply.

Restart the server after applying the settings. In the Remote Access deployment, configuring application servers is an optional task, so I chose to ignore the tasks in this step. The Operations Status page should look as shown in the screen shot after all tasks are completed. Any errors will be reported on this page:.

Before successfully testing the DirectAccess deployment, correctly setting the Firewall configuration on the Server and Client is a prerequisite. I created two Firewall Group Policies:. The DirectAccess rules have already been auto-created on the server based on the auto generated during DirectAccess configuration.

Following are screen shots of the GPO settings:. I would add that Firewall Group Policies need to be configured properly for DirectAccess connections to be successful. In my experience, the Firewall group policy object settings are not to be confused with the Firewall settings in the Local machine store of both the clients and Server. The local store settings can be accessed and edited using either :.

You can test the deployment using a Windows 10 Enterprise DirectAccess client. Unplug from the internal network and connect to an external network by wifi or any available means. On the client, the DirectAccess tab shows the status of a successful connection:. Following is a screen shot of the cmdlet result:. I can ping internal network resources successfully. Since DirectAccess primarily works with IPv6, the ping returns the ipv6 addresses of internal network resources.

IPv6 must be enabled on the clients for DirectAccess to work. I am facing issue with direct access connectivity please guide me. My clients are able to access internal resources just fine. I have my firewall turn off org wide.

Ok, so I turned it on for a single test client. All three profiles are on. I allow all out and all in. I have two rules setup that allow all from any to any both inbound and outbound. If I turn off the firewall service on the client it goes back to being able to access resources. This is driving me nuts. Thanks for the article, clear and concise, and was very helpful in my decision to pass on it. VPN only takes 15 minutes to configure.

Again, thanks for the time to write this excellent step-by step. Enterprise Only client OS is the deal breaker for me. RickkeeC, The major difference here is that DA is always connected, cannot be disconnected by a user, and can process group policy prior to user log-on. Especially for teleworkers whose machines never make it back to the physical network to properly process group policy. You are commenting using your WordPress.

You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Chinny Chukwudozie, Cloud Solutions. Skip to content. Home About. Posted on August 22, by jbernec. Some key points: a It hugely facilitates the process of implementing the Password expiration and change Group Policy for telecommuter users.

The following sections outline my Configuration and deployment steps. Click finish: Click finish on the Remote Access Setup page, save a copy of the settings to the desktop for later viewing and click Apply. Any errors will be reported on this page: Before successfully testing the DirectAccess deployment, correctly setting the Firewall configuration on the Server and Client is a prerequisite.

The local store settings can be accessed and edited using either : 1 Netsh advfirewall show and Netsh advfirewall set cmds.

Following is a screen shot of the cmdlet result: I can ping internal network resources successfully. Like this: Like Loading This entry was posted in DirectAccess , Powershell 4. Bookmark the permalink. August 23, at pm. Well done, my friend! Your article is detailed and thorough as usual! August 24, at am. Hey dude, good to hear from you. Thank you very much for the comment man. Register your book to access additional benefits. Not for sale. About eBook formats. This eBook includes the following formats, accessible from your Account page after purchase:.

EPUB The open industry format known for its reflowable content and usability on supported mobile devices. PDF The popular standard, which reproduces the look and layout of the printed page. This eBook requires no passwords or activation to read.

We customize your eBook by discreetly watermarking it with your name, making it uniquely yours. This is learning made easy! Get productive fast with Access , and jump in wherever you need answers: brisk lessons and colorful screen shots show you exactly what to do, step by step — and practice files help you build your skills.

Fully updated for today's powerful new version of Access, Microsoft Access Step by Step shows you how to do all this, and much more:. Part I: Simple Database Techniques 1. Explore Microsoft Access 2. Create Databases and Simple Tables 3. Create Simple Forms 4.



Microsoft direct access 2016 step by step free download


The main functionality of Site Manager has been implemented in modern file move and copy. For more information about how to move and copy files in a document library in SharePoint, see the following Microsoft websites:.

Mikrosegmentace per VM? Nebo pravidla na subnet? In the past, Hello hybrid scenario users had to wait thirty minutes after first creating a PIN before they could use it to logon due to the time it takes for a public key to sync back to the on-premises AD using AAD Connect.

If the user tried to logon before the sync-back they might see the following error message:. Recent improvements to the Hybrid Certificate Trust scenario reduces the wait time for public key sync-back from the original thirty minutes to one minute or less, making it almost instantaneous by comparison.

Users can now use their certificate with PIN or biometrics for authentication almost immediately resulting in a vastly improved experience. NOTE: This does not change or affect hybrid key-trust deployments. Users in these deployments must still wait for the public key to sync to on-premises Active Directory before they can authenticate with their PIN or biometric.

The best way to grab their attention is to explain how Microsoft uniquely delivers a comprehensive, end-to-end approach to business applications—helping you unify data and relationships, build intelligence into your decision making, and accelerate business transformation.

Of course, that always includes new improvements. The Spring Release includes a brand-new Marketing application and a wide array of new capabilities across all of the existing Customer Engagement applications. There is a wealth of information on all of the details in the release notes and the launch videos here.

This includes an overview of the new Marketing application, the new Sales Professional license, and highlights from the Blitz event. Microsoft Dynamics Business Central is designed for businesses looking for an all-in-one business management solution that's easy to use and adapt.

Connect your finances, sales, service, and operations to streamline business processes, improve customer interactions, and enable growth. Check out more on that here. During the call, attendees will learn about all the resources available to begin building a cloud practice encompassing Business Central.

Sign up for the Business Applications Community call that takes place on May 8 at 9 am PT. The Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit Windows ADK has the tools you need to customize Windows images for large-scale deployment, and to test the quality and performance of your system, its added components, and the applications running on it.

The latest version of this kit is available for download below. Minecraft i Lyngby — og Minecraft i Holstebro og Herning — hhv. Office kommuneforum, hhv. Lyngby og Viborg In an effort to provide you with a single location for announcements and technical blog posts that also provides a channel for discussion with your peers and our product and engineering teams here at Microsoft, the Windows IT Pro blog has moved to the Microsoft Tech Community.

Listed below are the non-security updates we released on the Download Center and Microsoft Update. See the linked KB articles for more information.

Office Update for Microsoft Outlook KB Update for Microsoft Office KB Update for Microsoft OneNote KB Update for Microsoft Project KB Update for Skype for Business KB MPN Dynamics app developers can now leverage Dev Chat to receive development tips from Microsoft engineer at NO COST. In addition to the Azure and Office scenarios already covered by Dev Chat, you can now receive technical guidance on Dynamics Sales and Customer Service apps scenarios, including but limited to architecture, design, deployment, implementation and migration.

View the full list services and scenarios covered and start a live chat now at aka. Customers are preparing to leave their existing IT environments. For some, this will not be their first migration. They'll have moved between devices and applications many times in their lives. But for most, there lies ahead a daunting journey. Ahead, they hope, is the modern workplace they've heard so much about. All they need is a guide. Enter the partner. You're strong, wise, and you know the lie of the land.

But you can't survive on your own. You know that it's costly to find new customers - which is why you do whatever you can to hang on to those already in your pack. If an existing customer needs a guide, you'll fight to make sure it's you. The customer and the partner. You need each other - your relationship is symbiotic. And it faces few tests greater than a migration. Because once the move is done, and the customer is settled, what then?

For your customers, the modern workplace is a destination. It's a smart, secure, simple way of working anywhere. And it's exactly what they're looking for. For you, the modern workplace is an opportunity.

With new technology comes plenty of new ways to add value. The trick to keeping the relationship going is to make sure customers know you're an expert in this space - and that you've only just started to help them succeed.

It's quick and easy and sometimes even self-service for customers to add new devices to their modern workplace. But they'll all want to move at their own pace. Join them in the planning stage to stop the move and management getting in the way of their day to day work. Your customers don't need to get distracted by security updates.

In the modern workplace, they happen automatically. And if customers need to configure any special security policies, your knowledge of the IT makes them easy to build and implement - so no threats slip through. This is one of the best bits of the modern workplace. Everyone can get their hands on the latest tools, all the time, anywhere. It's even smoother when you manage this process for your customers - so updates don't impact users while they're working, and it's business as usual for compliance and security.

What's really happening in your customers' businesses? With analytics, you can have all the answers. So it's easy to spot areas for improvement, drive deployment, and keep customers up to date. When you prove you really know their business, that's a relationship they'll want to hang on to. Even after the migration is done, customers keep looking for new, better ways of working. Even after they've moved to a complete, intelligent solution like Microsoft , they'll want a partner that can take them further.

There are lots of ways you can make their environment and their IT smarter, more secure, and simpler. Download the playbook to see them all.

It'll tell you more about your modern workplace opportunity, the conversations you can start, and the value you can add to your customers' businesses - long after they've moved to Microsoft Need a quick method to monitor Docker containers? How about monitoring the Docker container that is utilized for automatic log upload for Microsoft Cloud App Security?

If so, try out Microsoft OMS Container Monitoring Solution to monitor your docker containers including continuous log collectors using Docker in Microsoft Cloud App Security! Did you know that Microsoft Operations Management Suite OMS offers many other management and monitoring solutions including update management for Windows, Surface Hub monitoring , Security and Audit information and many more. The following walks through setting up the Container Monitoring Solution in Azure to monitor a Docker container used for Cloud App Security automatic log upload hosted on an Azure VM.

From the information provided, I can see I have a failure with my Cloud App Security Log Collector i. When we drill down into the failure I can see that the which container is failing and other details:.

Monitoring Docker containers using Microsoft OMS as well as the containers used for log collection for Cloud App Security was really simple and I encourage everyone to deploy OMS today. I hope this finds everyone well and gearing up for summer!

Servicing is a new approach to updating Windows and has been introduced and discussed at length in a number of different forums, TechNet, Ignite, blogs, msdn, etc. As we approach Windows 10 version by now most of you should have your servicing setup, tested, and likely have been through one or two rounds of servicing.

I wanted to take a moment to share with you something we found when servicing Windows 10 to version , how we analyzed the problem, and what we did to work around it. The scenario is a mix of Windows 10 machines running versions and , that are failing to service to via SCCM. We set out to service the machines initially where we saw some level of success, and interestingly some level of failures; enough failures that raised many eyebrows. But alas we are not in the business of speculation!

We had these failures bubble up and it was time to rollup the sleeves, dig in, and do some post mortem to understand why. Well as we all know, what we need in our life at this point are logs, logs, logs, and more logs! But where are the logs for servicing? Although the information is out there, it is surprisingly not so easy to find. If you haven't already seen this page , you'll want to head over, check it out, and bookmark it.

Tons of great information in here with different levels of content for the beginner to the seasoned IT Pro. Understanding how servicing works is going to help give you a good foundation on which to troubleshoot these types of failures. There is quite a bit to take in on the aforementioned page, suffice it to say I will provide some cliffs notes here which are not a replacement for reading that content ;. It's a good idea to read through and understand what each phase is doing, where it takes place, and where the logs for each of these phases are located.

Also a key here in finding out what logs were generated and where, is to understand how many reboots have taken place. Depending on what logs are generated and the content of them , you can deduce which phase the servicing operation failed in.

The servicing process reboots once between each phase. This will make more sense later. Phase 1. DownLevel - This phase is ran in the source OS, this is where all of the install files that are needed are downloaded and prepared for installation.

During this phase we mount the SafeOS WIM file AKA the WinPE environment for use after the upcoming READ 1st reboot. After the SafeOS WIM is mounted and updated for use on the system, we dismount it, apply BCD settings making it the default boot entry, suspend Bit Locker, and reboot the machine. Phase 2. SafeOS - After we come back from the first reboot we are now booting into the SafeOS WIM WinPE that was prepared in phase 1. Once the machine enters WinPE this is where the bulk of the work to service the operating system is done, AKA where the magic happens.

There are many, many operations being done in this phase. Once this phase completes successfully we have applied the new OS, and setup the machine to reboot back into the SafeOS. Phase 3. First Boot - We are now coming back from the second reboot of the servicing process.

During the First Boot phase we boot back into SafeOS, new BCD entries are created for the New OS, settings are applied, sysprep is run, and data is migrated. There is quite a bit going on here during this phase as well. Phase 4. Second Boot - During the final phase more settings are applied and more data is migrated, system services are started, and the out of box experience OOBE phase executes. The culmination of the process is reaching the start screen and eventually the desktop. Phase 5.

If you've reached this phase, something has gone wrong and your machine is rolled back to the previously existing operating system version. This implies that somewhere along the line the machine experienced a fatal error and could not continue. Two logs are of immediate interest if you experience a rollback:. These four main phases are documented on the Windows 10 Troubleshoot-Upgrade-Errors page, and a nice graphic is included at the bottom of the page.

For the first three phases you can actually follow along with each item listed in the graphic on the upgrade errors page by looking at the C:Windows. log to see which of the first three phases completed successfully. The page also gives you an idea of where errors are typically seen and what kinds of things can cause them.

Fairly widespread reports of machines taking the upgrade, and eventually rolling back began to trickle in. Results may vary but on average the servicing process can take between hours to complete. The time it takes to complete is dependent on a number of factors, network uplink speed, processor spec, amount of RAM, type of HDD, etc. In any event, the time that the servicing upgrade took was also compounded by the time the rollback actually took in order to revert the machine to the previous OS.

You can get an accurate count of overall servicing time and rollback time by looking at the setupact. log files. In some instances the rollback of machines was still cooking a few hours into the servicing process.

First let me state that there are tons of logs generated during the servicing process; xml, etl, log, evtx, text files, etc. All of them contain information about what happened during the servicing process, some of them are easy to consume and crack open, some of them aren't as friendly.

Review all of the logs, mount the. evtx logs in the event viewer, review the flat text and xml files, and to get into those pesky ETL files you can try converting them to CSV or XML with tracerpt:. exe setup. etl -of csv -o setup. So we have "all the logs.

log and setuperr. log are your friends. They are your go-to. They likely have the information you are looking for or can give you enough information to point you in the right direction or to another log. After the dust settled we began to look at a sampling of the machines, effectively scraping the C:Windows.

Since the following log C:Windows. log details the first three phases of the servicing process, that's where we want to start. We reviewed the log and low and behold all of the first three phases completed successfully!

You'll see entries similar to the following:. So we were able to quickly narrow down the scope of the failure to one specific phase. Remember Phase 4 occurs in the new target operating system, with all drivers and services starting up and running for the first time, and buttoning up things like settings and data migration tasks, reaching the OOBE phase, and finally hopefully the desktop.

Only we never reached the desktop. Since we failed in Phase 4 which takes place in the new target OS, a rollback occurred and logs were created in the following directory: C:Windows. This stop code typically indicates that a driver attempted to read or write to an invalid location in memory, in this particular case it was a read operation. In the event of a bugcheck a kernel mini-dump is also generated in C:Windows. In this case we were not able to have the dump analyzed.

Don't fret we are still hot on the trail. Notice about halfway down where it shows "Crash 0x detected", the next few lines show information extracted from the dump - we can actually see a representation of the stack and the frames in the log.

Frames are in the mfenlfk. sys driver. Continuing down the log we see that Windows tried to recover the installation 3 times but bug checked each time with the same stop code, with the same driver in the middle of the stack. Eventually after hitting the max recovery attempts, Windows begins the process to rollback the OS:. We engaged McAfee and started an inquiry on the driver, which was out of date unsupported for the version of Windows we were trying to service to What we found and re-prod' was that even though the system had the latest versions of all the McAfee software s installed, this old driver seemed to hang around on the system.

Turns out this isn't so good for servicing. With all eyes on this old driver, we discussed options in order to rid the system of it. How can we get rid of this driver without impacting the system negatively? What if the wrong driver is removed?

As you can see the impacts of making a mistake here could be potentially catastrophic on a given box. After much deliberation and reviewing our documentation on the driver store , we arrived at the conclusion that the operating system fundamentally supports removing the driver from the store. Here is a snip of powershell add your logging, and customize, etc. we used to interrogate the driver store, search for the very specific driver in question, and remove it:.

To expand on this a little, when you query the driver store all drivers are returned. When you find the one you want to remove, you have to remove it by the value of the "Driver" property as seen below.

Use caution, just because you find the value on one machine as oem1. inf does NOT mean it will be the same value on another machine, the driver property value is different on each machine, even though the OriginalFileName value is the same. For this reason we have to use logic to identify the driver, grab the "driver" property and feed that to our command to remove the correct driver.

Tricky 1st edition. Also note lines , if your Get-WindowsDriver cmdlet returns an error you may need to use this if McAfee Access Protection is enabled and is blocking access to the temp folder. Tricky 2nd edition.

For the sake of time we used pnputil to remove the driver from the store, of note is that the command line switches for pnputil vary if you are on build , they use the legacy switches, and the newer builds of Windows 10 use the newer switches. Tricky 3rd edition. We placed this as the first item in the servicing task sequence, then called a reboot before the servicing step began.

We tested this on a number of failed machines and they all took the servicing upgrade successfully. This was quite the long road from the initial discovery, to troubleshooting, to root cause, and eventually to finding a work-around.

I hope sharing this with you allows you to better understand the servicing process and how to troubleshoot failures. I would like to re-iterate that the following links provide good information on the topic:. Windows 10 SetupDiag is a new tool that was recently released that can also be used to troubleshoot servicing failures.

This tool was not released at the time we were working this failure so we didn't get to use it! Check it out! Posts in this blog are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified in the Terms of UseAre you interested in having a dedicated engineer that will be your Microsoft representative.

Let me start with something generic. My Management Server is in a grayed out state and what I will do next. TimeFinished from AvailabilityHistory AV join BaseManagedEntity BME on AV.

BaseManagedEntityId where BME. TimeStarted desc. The Health Service cannot log additional Heartbeat and Connector events.

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